Odyssey Personality - Temperature & Humidity


This personality measures temperature and relative humidity using the Silicon Labs Si7020 sensor.

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How To Use

After connecting the Odyssey board with your smartphone app, select the pre-defined temperature and humidity personality. Press the respective buttons to see the current temperature and humidity displayed in the app.

How It Works

The Si7020 from Silicon Labs is a 2nd generation relative humidity and temperature sensor. It combines fully factory-calibrated humidity and temperature sensor elements with an analog to digital converter, signal processing and an I2C host interface. Patented use of industry-standard low-K polymer dielectrics provides excellent accuracy and long term stability, along with low drift and low hysteresis. The innovative CMOS design also offers the lowest power consumption in the industry for a relative humidity and temperature sensor.

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Note that the temperature readings will be higher than actual ambient temperature when the board is powered by a USB cable, especially so when the MAX 10 FPGA board is attached to the sensor board. This is due to the power dissipation of the power regulators on the board.

More Info

Description Download
Personality configuration file for Temperature & Humidity personality